Design floor plans in Figarc

From learning the fundamentals of Figarc to mastering the art and science of architectural planning.

Lesson 1: Installing Figarc

Lesson 1: Installing Figarc

A step-by-step guide to help you install the Figarc library into your Figma account and prepare the groundwork for designing the floor plan of your dreams.
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Lesson 2: Drawing pillars and walls

Lesson 2: Drawing pillars and walls

While drawing pillars and walls in Figarc are simply Figma layers, there are some structural considerations to consider when designing your floor plan.
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Lesson 3: Adding foundational fixtures

Lesson 3: Adding foundational fixtures

From doors and windows to staircases and storage spaces, learn to install them into your floor plan while considering a few architectural principles.
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Lesson 4: Adding furniture pieces

Lesson 4: Adding furniture pieces

Dragging and dropping furniture pieces in your floor plan is fun. To make the most of it, let‘s explore everything you can do with furniture inside Figarc.
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Lesson 5: Making it shine

Lesson 5: Making it shine

With a few magical strokes to your floor plan canvas, you‘ll learn how to transform your monotone technical drawings into stunning floor plan visualizations.
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